Project Information

For this project you will be using the WaterGEMS App from Bentley systems. The program is widely used across the water profession and has a powerful and feature rich design and analysis environment. You get the same GUI and functionality available as in the full version except that your version is "throttled" in that it can only handle smaller problems, i.e. the number pipes in the network is restricted.

1. Project Assignment: This document contains the project assignment.

2. Project Tutorials: This document contains the tutorial sets which are part of the assignment (will be graded).

3. Project Problems: This document contains the specific project problems you are supposed to work on.

4. Project Software: This document contains instructions on how to download the WaterGEMS software from Bentley's server.the project assignment.

5. WaterGEMS Readme: Here you can find some additional and more detailed information about WaterGEMS.

You have about 2 months to work on the project with your group partners. Make sure to split the workload evenly; I expect the team to organize themselves accordingly because the grade assigned will be for the group. Start working on it NOW and do not wait and procrastinate. Previous experience shows that It will come back and squeeze you towards the end of the semester.