Course Description: |
In this course you will learn how to use basic governing equations of Fluid Flow for problems in Water Resources engineering. We will start with a review of the basic concepts of fluid flow, such as the use governing equations, terminology, and definitions. After refreshing this knowledge we will apply these concepts to typical Open Channel Flow problems, such as man made channels and flow control structures, and start examining in detail why "free surface" flow has to behave in certain ways and not in others (perhaps more intuitive ones). Once we have mastered that we will then apply our newly gained knowledge to some design scenarios in which we need to find solutions to complex constraints. During this course you will be exposed some numerical techniques as well because you will learn that flow problems invariant in space and time complicate our live dramatically and cannot be handled through the use of analytical solutions only. We may introduce a guest lecture to this course in which you hear about some numerical approaches to Open Channel Flow. We will round out the course with some special Open Channel Flow topics such a Culverts, and Lateral In- and Outflow. | ||
PreReqs: | There are no specific prerequisites for this class, but I strongly recommend CE 350 "Fluid Mechanics" (or equivalent in another department) and if possible CE 365 "Hydrology and Hydraulics" or equivalent. This means it is open to seniors looking for some higher level electives, in addition to MS and PhD students. Notice that I will move through the course material at a good clip. There will be no special make up sessions as a result of you falling behind or not being able to catch up on the side with those things you have not yet been exposed to. This is up to you. | ||
Course Objectives: |
The Homeworks you will be assigned are work
intense and also quite challenging a times but they will enable you to:
Text: |
For this class you will need a copy of the
following book as all HWs are being assigned from it.
Note that this IS a required book. "Open Channel Flow" by Henderson, published MacMillan Series in Civil Engineering, If you go to Amazon you can find the book for ~$135 (new) or ~$70 (used). I can also recommend a couple of other Open Channel Flow books, such as:
"Open Channel Flow" by Chaudry, published by Prentice Hall | |||
"Open Channel Flow" by Jain, published by Wiley | ||
Project: | A key component of this class will be the execution of a small Open Channel Flow project. The purpose of this project is for you to take the knowledge gained and turn it into a usable tool. My experience has shown that having to implement the concepts we learned into a code that works requires a very intense immersion into the various aspects with resulting high degree of understanding. The required report and the final presentation are intended to give you another opportunity to hone your skills in properly documenting a project and also to present your findings to an audience in a concise and precise manner. Each student will do his/her own project; no partnering up. | ||
Grading: | Final Exam | 30% | The final exam will be a in-class exam with problems from the book. |
Homeworks | 25% | The homeworks are due either 1 or 2 weeks after they have been assigned. No late HW! | |
Project | 30% | This will be a major component of your final grade. You can pick between 2 different types of projects. | |
Project PPT | 10 | These will be scheduled during the last two class sessions and be organized by the students. | |
Project REP | 20 | You will need to submit the project Report at the last day of PPTs. | |
Paper | 15% | This an exercise in writing a small paper that should have the design of a scientific contribution. Instead of Mid-term. | |
A few words concerning your final grade. I normally grade on a curve and not on a fixed scale with percentage brackets. This means that what will really matters is how you compare to your class mates, i.e. a 88 may earn you an "A". Also, in case we need a tie breaker I will look towards the project and see if it was really innovative or "cool". | |||
Rules and Regulations: |
Homework problems are due on the date shown on the hand out. Late
submissions will be subject to penalties. Also, there
will be no make up exam in this class or the use of incomplete grades
resulting from missing out on submitting one or several of the grade
building components.
All problem sets are to be completed on your own, except stated otherwise. You are allowed to consult with other students in the current class during the conceptualization of a problem but all written work whether in scrap or final form is to be generated by yours truly alone. You are strongly discouraged to discuss the problems with previous class members, nor anyone else who has significant knowledge of the details of the problem set. I will not take attendance for this class as I assume that you are mature enough to make your own decisions as to whether class presence is an important learning environment for you or not. I do reserve the right to change the schedule and also the HW assignments with sufficient prior notice to you. |
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