Professional Service
Editorial Service Dr. Piasecki has been serving in an editorial leadership role for a number journals that seek to provide a dissemination platform for research work at the nexus of Information Science and GeoSciences.
Editor-in-Chief Earth Perspectives: Transdisciplinarity Enabled (Springer) 2012 - 2016 Associate Editor Journal of HydroInformatics (IWA) 2010 - 2015 Associate Editor Earth Science Informatics (Springer) 2006 - present Editorial Board Hydrology (MDPI) 2013 - present Editorial Board J. of Applied Water Engineering and Research (IAHR) 2012 - present In all journals he covers the area of Hydrology and Informatics (except Earth Perspectives, Hydrology, and Applied Water Engineering and Research) which has seen a substantial growth over the past few years. If you are interested in this topic feel free to check out the journals as a possible venue and outlet for your work. If interested in special issues please contact me. He has also reviewed
over 100 journal manuscripts in a variety of journals such as Engineering
Mechanics, Environmental Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Hydraulic Research,
Hydrology, Water resources Research, and other GeoScience publications.
Leadership in Professional Organizations Dr. Piasecki has been elected to the HydroInformatics Committee of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research in 2010. The committee, comprised of 6 members, seeks to represent the hydroinformatics community within the IAHR organization and is charged with promoting cross-disciplinary research agendas, and help foster HydroInformatics as a viable and necessary research area essential to societal needs. Her served until 2016. He as also the chair (2013 - 2015) of the Earth and Space Science Informatics, ESSI, focus group of the American Geophysical Union, where he represents the interests of the Informatics community within the Union. He was on the leadership theam since 2010 as vice chair. He has chaired the organizing committee for the 7th International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering, ICHE, that was held in Philadelphia in 2006. He was also the chair of the Organizing Committee for the 2014 HydroInformatics Conference and also serves on as a ice-chair IAHR joint Committee for HydroInformatics. He has been the university representative to the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences, Inc since 2004. The CUAHSI organization provides a rallying point for the community to formulate directions and visions in addition to being a resource for instrumentation and and education.
Dr. Piasecki has been serving on a numerous of review panels concerning IT and CyberInfrastructure projects for the National Science Foundation and also NASA GeoScience programs. He has done this in the capacity of being a proposal panel review member, or as a member of site visit teams, for example the NEES grid project or for the LTER and NEON programs at NSF. From 2001 - 2003 he served as the academic representative in the Toxic Advisory Committee of the Delaware River Basin Commission. At the time the Committee worked predominantly on implementing a PCB TMDL for the Delaware Estuary. He is a member of the Engineers Without Borders USA and served as academic co-advisor for the Drexel University chapter as well as the City College of New York chapter. He is also a member of the Professors Beyond Borders organziation. |
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